CZ 80分钟 AMA 十大要点总结

原文标题:《10 takeaways from 80 minutes AMA with Binance CZ》

在 11 月 14 日币安 AMA Twitter Space 中,币安创始人兼CEO赵长鹏(CZ)回答了一些有关币安、FTX 和加密货币行业的问题,短短 80 分钟时间里吸引了超过 4 万名听众,本次访谈概括下来包含 10 大类问题。


Host:We’ve got a bunch of people here, so we can get started and yeah, so we’re just gonna go through a few frequently collected questions before we get into the stage ones. So First things first, I know that you have been releasing bits and pieces of information about proof of funds and liabilities. So if you could just go into a bit more detail around this, like when, when would we expect a full audit of the reserves to be released, what would it include, who might be auditor…


CZ:Sure. Yeah. proof of reserves is a mathematical way to prove that your balance is included in your tree of balances and into the final balance. And then it’s using a Merkle tree algorithm. Actually did this in together with James Thomas.
2014, So the Merkle tree is not a new thing, it’s been around for years. So it basically ensures that you basically let users ensure themselves that their funds are including a grand total and we make sure that the total is there. So and originally we typically need a third party auditor to be involved. Unfortunately #1, the third party auditor was called busy because everyone’s trying to do proof of reserves. And secondly.
the 2014 so the merkle tree is not a new thing it’s been around for years so it basically ensures that you basically let users ensure themselves that their funds are including a grand total and we make sure that the total is there so and originally we typically need a third party auditor to be involved unfortunately #1 the third party auditor was called busy because everyone’s trying to do proof of reserves
and secondly
The third party auditor is 1 auditor the ftx used. I wouldn’t name who but there’s a bit of scrutiny there actually this afternoon I was actually talking with vitalic. Vitalic want to come up with some type of new proof of reserves protocol and of course offered to use binance as the guinea pig or the test, the first test case and he’s quite excited about it. So we’re connecting our teams to to do that so roughly.
Will expect probably a couple of weeks. So this is the reason why we published all of our code wallet addresses so that people can see our code wallet addresses directly. It’s not as good as Merkle tree but yeah at least yours like look this is how much funds we have and you should roughly correspond to when we do the Merkle tree proof reserves. And it’s good that other exchanges are following and but yeah I think anything we can do to increase transparency is good.
So that’s kind of the rough timeline. We’re looking at a couple of weeks, short answer, but that’s a longer version, yeah.


Host:Great. And then just to take that then to the next level, finance specifically in the lull period before that full transparency is released, how safe is Binance right now? How can the users maintain their trust and does Binance have any current current liabilities?


CZ: business we have ran, we ran a very simple business. We have not taken loans from other people. We have not taken VC investments. We especially have not taken VC investments and then give the money back to the VC through a loan or or swapping or reversing investment and we just have, we just have never done that. We don’t have loans, we don’t have debt, we don’t owe anybody any money. So no one, yeah, so I believe in the industry.
We don’t owe anybody any money. No one gave us loans. We do not. We also did not give loans out of the platform. So we never take user access and give it to a third party to manage and try to make yields etcetera. We do do a couple things. We have a margin programme where users, savings products are used to provide lending for the margin traders, but the margin traders cannot withdraw that money away and our system does all the risk management if the margin traders are out of margin.
Will liquidate and we do the, we do the risk management so the funds never leave our platform. We do do a bit of a device staking but we only interact with a smart contract protocol and we do that in a fairly limited basis. So we don’t have funds that we give to another third party fund manager and we rely on them to perform well and not run away. And we ohh lastly many small exchanges rely on either each other or balance for liquidity. So that means they have to make a deposit on Binance.
And then so they in their account they will typically have millions of dollars or hundreds of millions of dollars on Binance or in another exchange to to sort of share liquidity finance because we’re the largest liquidity pool on the planet. We don’t use other smaller exchanges for liquidity. So all of the user funds, all of our funds stay on our platform. we don’t use other platforms for to borrow the liquidity. So from all of those aspects our funds stay on our platform.
When we published, the address is transparent. Um, so yeah, nothing’s risk free, right. So a exchanges are inherently quite risky businesses. You have to run them well. You have to do security well, you have to do, you have to do a number of things well. But we’re work. We’re self-contained, contained. We don’t owe any other people other money. So that’s what we’re very clean, very simple business. We also do not do Futures Trading ourselves. We don’t have a quor
so we are not trying to make money from trading ohh from trading ourselves we’re not trying to be a shop or like a hedge fund shop we make money for through trading fees lastly we do have market makers we rely very heavily on 3rd party market makers that provides liquidity there is one market maker which i’m a investor and shareholder of and i make sure that that liquidity provider does not
Um, they’re not profit driven. So , we run a very simple exchange business.



就很多人認為作為行業老大的幣安有責任應該出手救FTX以此來穩定市場,這件事情,CZ表示FTX事件,有運營者、FTX機構投資方、政府監管、還有身為參與者的每一個人都有責任。 我們在選擇交易所的時候是我們自己的決定,每個人都要為自己的行為負責,就像我去做合約一樣,明明知道槓桿開到那麼大,風險是巨大的,當歸零的時候就不要去埋怨任何人。

1 、币安正在与 Vitalik Buterin 合作开发储备证明协议

問題Trust Wallet是被幣安收購的值得信任嗎?

Trust Wallet是一個熱錢包,是在聯網的情況下生成助記詞。(大方解讀:而我們之前介紹的ledger冷錢包的區別是Trust Wallet一個軟件app 或者google插件構成的自己掌管私鑰的去中心化錢包,而ledger冷錢包是一個硬件加上一個app構成的自己掌管私鑰的去中心化錢包,最大區別是生成私鑰是在不連網的情況下生成的。這也是冷熱錢包的區別。)CZ表示Trust Wallet是幣安收購並擁有的但是只是擁有個軟件知識版權,而且是完全開源的任何人都可以查看代碼,幣安是不掌管Trust Wallet裡面的資產。也就是說你使用Trust Wallet就是自己掌管你的資產和私鑰,如果你轉錯幣,或者忘了助記詞或者私鑰幣安是完全沒有辦法幫你的。(這也是為什麼我之前影片給大家提到使用冷錢包或熱錢包不一定是真的適合所有人

1 、币安正在与 Vitalik Buterin 合作开发储备证明协议

CZ 表示,以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 可能已经了解交易所如何证明其储备,Buterin 正在研究一种新颖的储备证明协议,并希望币安成为新协议的第一个测试案例。币安团队将与 Vitalik Buterin 密切合作。协议完成的预计时间表可能是在接下来的“几周内”。

2 、SAFU:币安没有从其他公司贷款

在谈到币安上用户资产安全性时,CZ 重申了该交易所之前用户安全资产基金声明,并表示币安经营的业务很简单,没有从公司获得任何贷款,也没有接受过以贷款、掉期和反向投资的形式返还的风险投资资金。“我们没有贷款,我们没有债务,我们不欠任何人任何钱。”



3 、币安持有大量 BUSD,风险不高

在准备金证明之前,币安公布了其持有的钱包地址,这引发了人们的担忧,因为在持有资产中有很大一部分由 BUSD 和 BNB 主导,而 BUSD 和 BNB 据称由该交易所拥有。 CZ 表示,币安储备中 BUSD 的比例较高是因为该交易所的大多数用户已将其持有的资产转换为 BUSD 以对冲熊市,币安不会转换用户持有的加密货币。因此,用户持有最多的资产将构成大部分交易所储备。

4 、币安将帮助那些在流动性方面苦苦挣扎的优秀项目

鉴于FTX 崩盘,币安宣布建立一个行业复苏基金,希望帮助好的项目度过流动性危机和市场动荡。 CZ 补充说,大约有四家基金表示有兴趣加入,包括一些项目和行业参与者。

5 、不要猜测市场,只需 HODL

在过去的一周里,加密货币市场出现了巨大的下行波动。 在投资方面,CZ 向加密货币用户提出了建议,称应对这种市场状况的最基本方法是 HODL,特别是对于无法管理风险的非专业交易者,“几年后,这一切都会烟消云散。人们可能记得,也可能不记得。”

相關閱讀:守護你的加密資產 #SAFU (CZ tips)

6 、币安子公司和投资组合项目是否也安全?

CZ 透露,币安已经投资了 150 多个加密货币项目,但他并不了解所有公司的状况。然而,自从 FTX事件以来,币安旗下投资组合公司还没有提出任何救助请求。同样,他补充说,BNB 生态系统似乎受当前市场流动性紧缩的影响较小。

7 、即便所有用户都撤回资金,币安也没事

鉴于 FTX 的资金管理不善,专家警告许多加密货币投资者将所有资金从中心化交易所提取到外部钱包。谈到这一点,CZ 同意用户可以在任何地方提取资金,因为币安只是一个平台。 不过,虽然有人建议把资金从交易所提出来撤回到自己的钱包里,但必须考虑到普通人的技术水平,你必须要保证设备安全,适当的备份且必须加密,但现在大多数人没有足够的技术来解决这些问题。


8 、在加密货币交易所中需要注意的危险信号

CZ 表示,加密货币用户应该警惕在他们展示钱包地址之前或之后转移大量加密货币交易所,而且对提供零交易费等激励措施但没有健康现金储备的交易所保持警惕,因此企业应该盈利才能可持续发展。

9 、如果币安承担加密行业所有损失,可能会面临破产

币安是 FTX 的早期投资者,当被问及币安是否有义务补偿将这笔投资视为“信任票”的 FTT 持有者时,CZ 表示币安可能会尝试以某种方式帮助受影响的用户,但不能断然决定是否将钱还给受影响的用户,如果币安承担加密行业的所有损失资金,可能会走向破产。

10 、加密技术的最大瓶颈:普及度较低

CZ 最后指出,加密钱包的复杂性以及缺乏教育和意识是限制 DeFi 和区块链技术采用和广泛普及的瓶颈。如果可以有一种更容易的媒介让人们安全地存储自己的加密货币,那么 DeFi 的未来发展潜力将无比巨大。由于目前还没有快速解决方案来消除外部钱包的复杂性,中心化交易所可能会继续存在。